O. formosa (Haw.) Res., 1868-1980. Ulmus. V. loc. f.c. VC 18. 38 'Stratford by B.Gill (Knaggs, 1869); in 1875 (FGW); Leyton (GHC; AT); 48 St Mary's Churchyard NR, East Ham (CWP); 40 Epping; 78 Benfleet (FGW); 79 Battlesbridge (HCH); 88 Hadleigh (DGD); 89 Rochford; Stambridge (HCH). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 72 Bocking (WSG); 02 Colchester, f.c. (VCH); 13 Wrabness (MEA). Nephopteryx hostilis (Steph.) Res., 1879-(1975). Populus tremula. V. loc. f.c. VC 18.88 Eastwood, Hadleigh (GHC; AT; FGW; LTF; HCH; SW; there are also specimens in colls Goodson, Purdey and Rait Smith); the melanic f. nigrescens Huggins was named from this locality; 80 Hazeleigh (VCH). VC 19.02 *Colchester, rediscovered as a British species in 1879 (Harwood, 1880-1881); 11 Maldon Wood; 13 Stour Wood (GFM). Microthrix similella (Zinck.) NRR., 1956. Quercus spp. A canopy-feeder seldom encountered anywhere and only once in Essex. VC 18.88 Westcliff-on-Sea, one at m.v. light 25 July 1956 (Huggins, 1957). Metriostola betulae (Goeze) Res., 1885(1975). Betula. Loc. f.c. VC 18.48 *Wanstead (Thurnall, 1886; 1917); 40 Epping (Leech, 1886); 58 Rainham (FGW); 68 Laindon (HCH); 69 Brentwood (GHR; Burrows diary; coll. Purdey); 78 Thundersley (HCH); 88 Southend district (Vaughan, 1889; FGW; HCH). VC 19.72 Braintree (HCH); 02 Colchester (VCH). Pyla fusca (Haw.) Res., 1884-1977. Erica spp., both on heaths and in gardens. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 48 Wanstead (AT); 49 Epping Forest by Prout (coll. Purdey); 59 'Warley, reared 1884-1887 (AT); 68 Mucking by CRNB (coll Purdey); 69 Ingrave, 1976 (IM); Brentwood (Thurnall, 1886; ERB; VCH); 78 Thundersley, 1971 (DGD); 70 Danbury; 88 Hadleigh; Westcliff-on-Sea (HCH); Southend (VCH). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 60 Writtle A.C.; 81 Tiptree (SW); 11 Colne Point NR (MH); 13 Stour Wood (GFM). Phycita roborella ([D. & S.]) Res., 1867-1980. Quercus spp. Wdspd and v.c. 02 *Colchester (Harwood, 1867-1868). Pima boisduvaliella (Guen.) ?Vag., 1909-1911. Mainly Lathyrus japonicus. Essex specimens may have wandered from a strong colony on the coast of Suffolk, though the principal foodplant does occur sparingly in north-east Essex (Jermyn, 1974: 84). VC 19.23 Dovercourt, single specimens flying at dusk on the sand-hills (GFM) Dioryctria abietella ([D. & S.]) Mig., probably also res., 1900-1978. Pinus sylvestris. Loc. and rather r. This species and the next are often confused; their determinations here have all been made either by HCH or M.Schaffer of BM(NH). VC 18. 68 Stanford-le-Hope (RT); 69 Ingrave, 1975 (KWG); 88 Westcliff-on-Sea, almost annually at m.v. light, with 5 in 1955 (HCH); ?Southend (Whittle, 1912); 98 Shoebury, two taken by Tutt in about 1900, now in coll. Huggins (Huggins, 1931); 80 Bradwell-on-Sea (AJD). VC 19. 54 Hales Wood, 9 August 1977 (RJR); 13 Wrabness, 1978 (MEA). D. mutatella Fuchs Res., 1957-1977. Pinus sylvestris. Loc. and r. VC 18. 68 Stanford-le-Hope, 1969 (RT); 69 Ingrave (IM); 70 Danbury; 89 *Rochford, 1957 (HCH). 148