Woodlice The woodlice (CRUSTACEA: ISOPODA) recorded below are all terrestrial (the common aquatic 'Woodlouse' Asellus aquaticus occurs in pond Pl). The woodlice are probably under-recorded and species such as the minute Trichoniscus pygmaeus are almost certainly present. The following species were recorded in 1979. The numbers are the recording areas as described for the flora. Nomenclature follows Edney, E. B. (21). Armadillidum vulgare Uncommon. I have found only a single specimen of this species under half a brick on the Forest Edge side of (1). Oniscus asellus Very common. I find this species over much of Lords Bushes under logs on (3) and noted it to be particularly common in (5) under rubble garden waste and discarded planks of wood. Philoscia muscorum Common, though I have found only a single specimen on (3) and it is common only in (5) under discarded rubble and garden waste. Porcellio scaber Common, often noted with Oniscus asellus. Trichoniscus pusillus Probably quite frequent. I found a number of specimens of this small species under a damp well-rotted log in (1). Butterflies Lords Bushes, in common with the rest of Epping Forest, is now a poor habitat for butterflies. The total number of species recorded for Epping Forest in recent years is only 25 and of these I have recorded just 16 for Lords Bushes in 1979. There are three further species I would have expected to have recorded: Lasiommata megera (Wall Brown), Cynthia cardui (Painted Lady), and Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone), all these species I have noted in the vicinity of Lords Bushes in recent years. The Painted Lady is a migrant species and had 1979 been a 'good' year for this species I would undoubtedly have been able to record it. The Brimstone I have not seen for some years now, the butterflies may have been casual wanderers into this area as the larval foodplant, buck- thorn, (Rhamnus catharticus) does not grow (as far as I am aware) in the vicinity of Lords Bushes. The Wall Brown's absence may be due to under-recording though I have only seen one or two specimens locally recently. The following species were recorded for Lords Bushes in 1979. Nomenclature follows Kloet, G. S. & Hincks, W. D. (38). PIERIDAE Pieris brassicae (Large White) Noted frequently about Lords Bushes. Pieris rapae (Small White) Noted frequently about Lords Bushes. Pieris napi (Green Veined White) Noted frequently about Lords Bushes. Anthocharis cardamines (Orange tip) A single male noted on (3) on 16th June. SATYRIDAE Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown) Infrequent, including a maximum of 4 or 5 specimens seen at any one time on the burnt and disturbed area. Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath) Infrequent, a few specimens noted on the old grasslands of Lords Bushes. NYMPHALIDAE Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral) A single specimen noted on 5th August on (3). Inachis io (Peacock) Noted mainly in spring and summer 3 or 4 specimens noted feeding on Buddleia on (3) on 11th August. Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell) Noted frequently about the burnt and disturbed area. Polygonia c-album (Comma) Infrequent, noted in spring and late summer including two specimens noted on (3) on 11th September feeding from Michaelmas daisy. 49