LYCAENIDAE Quercusia quercus (Purple Hairstreak) A single specimen noted flying about some low oak trees in the N.E. corner of Lords Bushes. Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper) A single specimen noted on Michaelmas daisy on 24th September on (3). Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue) A single specimen noted about holly on the North Edge of the undisturbed wood- land on 19th May. Polyommatus icarus (Common Blue) A single female noted from (3) on 26th August. HESPERIIDAE Thymelicus sylvestris (Small Skipper) Infrequent, a maximum of two or three specimens noted on (3) at any one time. Ochlodes venata (Large Skipper) Infrequent, a single specimen noted on (3). Two-winged flies The Diptera, of all the major insect orders, are probably the most neglected in Epping Forest. The only comprehensive work on this group is that of Payne on the Crane-flies (Tipulidae) (52), though there are a number of isolated published records, usually of rare species, taken in the Forest. In recording this group I have largely confined my collecting to the burnt and disturbed area and to the year 1979. The majority of the species are common and wide- 50