interior of the stump of a felled oak pollard and in September 1977 I noted a number of specimens of the four-spotted digger (Crossocerus quadrimaculatus) excavating burrows in the sands and gravels caught up in the root system of an upturned birch stump. Other species probably making use of the tree stumps and decaying wood include the mining bee {Anthophora furcata) and the leaf cutter bee (Megachile willughbiella). A number of species are known to be ground nesters, among them the common tawny mining bee (Andrena fulva). I noted only a solitary female of this species in Lords Bushes though often they occur in discrete colonies (there is a very strong colony of this species on grass- land opposite the Roebuck Inn). Another common mining bee (Osmia rufa) I noted collecting particles of damp clay from the side of a ditch, presumably to make nest cells with. The familiar bumble-bees (Bombus spp.) were well represented including the apparently uncommon (in Essex) red-shanked carder bee (Bombus ruderarius) though this is almost certainly due to under-recording. 1 was surprised to record 5 of the 6 British species of cuckoo bee (Psithyrus spp.) on the burnt and disturbed area, these are brood parasites of bumble-bees; all the required host species were recorded but it is not always the case that the parasite is recorded as well. The homeless bees (in Lords Bushes I have recorded only the common Nomada goodeniana) are also brood parasites, though of genera such as Andrena and Halictus. Also on the topic of parasites, I was surprised, given in particular the number of Bombus spp. present to record just a solitary specimen of thick-headed fly Conops quadrifasciatus from the burnt and disturbed area. Two uncommon bees noted were Lasioglossum pauxillum and Sphecodes puncticeps. The following species were recorded mainly in 1979. Nomenclature follows Kloet, G. S. & Hincks, W. D. (40). FORMICOIDEA Myrmica rubra Lasius niger SPHECOIDEA Argogorytes mystaceus Crossocerus annulipes varus quadrimaculatus Ectemnius cavifrons Psen dahlbomi APOIDEA Andrena bicolor fulva Anthophora furcata Apis mellifera Bombus hortorum lapidarius lucorum pascuorum pratorum ruderarius terrestris Halictus tumulorum Hylaeus communis Lasioglossum pauxillum villosulum Megachile circumcincta willughbiella Nomada goodeniana Osmia rufa Psithyrus barbutellus campestris rupestris sylvestris vestalis Sphecodes puncticeps VESPOIDEA Dolichovespula sylvestris Vespula germanica rufa vulgaris POMPILOIDEA Dipogon variegatus German Wasp (Vespula germanica) 55