Miscellaneous insect records The insects listed below are mainly the result of casual collecting on the burnt and disturbed area of Lords Bushes in 1979-1982. Only the Odonata and Orthoptera are anywhere near complete (i.e. the theoretical maximum number of species the habitat could support). The ponds available in Lords Bushes would appear to be unsuitable for dragonfly nymphs and all the species recorded are likely to have wandered from the nearby Knighton Pond. With regard to the number of species of Orthoptera recorded (just two species despite exhaustive and concentrated search), I think it likely that in- sufficient time has elapsed since the burnt and disturbed area was created, after the events of 1976, for other species of Orthoptera to colonise. Prior to 1976 Lords Bushes had 97% tree cover and was thus an unsuitable habitat for Orthoptera. Nomenclature for these groups follows Kloet, G. S. & Hincks, W. D. (37-40). ODONATA LEPIDOPTERA COLEOPTERA Aeshna cyanea grandis Enallagma cyathigerum Ischnura elegans Lestes sponsa Sympetrum striolutrum ORTHOPTERA Chorthippus brunneus Meconema thalassinum DERMAPTERA Forficula auricularia HEMIPTERA Tuberolachnus salignus NEUROPTERA Chrysopa carnea perla Hemerobius humulinus micans Raphidia xanthostigma Agriphila tristella Anthophila fabriciana Blastobasis lignea Coleophora alticolella Crambus pascuellus Cydia splendana Endotricha flammealis Epagoge grotiana Gypsonoma dealbana Mompha propinquella raschkiella subbistrigella Myelois cribrella Olethreutes lacunana Plutella xylostella HYMENOPTERA Andricus fecundator kollari quercuscalicis Biorrhiza pallida Neuroterus numismalis quercusbaccarum CARABIDAE Abax parallelopipedus Agonum albipes Amara anthobia plebeja Bembidion harpaloides lampros lunulatum quadrimaculatum tetracolum Loricera pilicornis Nebria brevicollis Notiplutus biguttatus Pterostichus madidus nigrita strenuus Others Clytus arietis Cylindronotus laevioctostriatus Glischrochilus hortensis Platypus cylindrus Pogonocherus hispidus Strangalia maculata Xyloterus domesticum William Cole, founder of the Essex Field Club (who lived at Buckhurst Hill) provided the first beetle record for Lords Bushes: the rare chafer Gnorimus nobilis taken in July 1881 (67). He also recorded the huge 'longhorn' beetle Prionus coriarius from the Buckhurst Hill area (9). The species listed above were all taken on the burnt and disturbed area of Lords Bushes in 1979 and 1980 with the exception of Xyloterus domesticus (which I reared in some numbers from Beech logs). Whilst collecting I concentrated on ground beetles (Carabidae) and these are listed separately. 56