MANAGEMENT a. Some parts of the burnt and disturbed area to be kept open to maintain the diversity of habitat within the wood. b. The pond P2 to be cleared of accumulated debris. c. The area around the Pulpit Oak to be cleared of encroaching holly and other vegetation. d. Ditching operations in the wood to cease and if possible ditches to be refilled to prevent excessive drainage. e. As many as possible of the fallen dead trees be allowed to decay where they lie and not be burnt or removed. f. Perhaps pollarding could once again be put into operation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the Conservators of Epping Forest who granted permission to record, and collect where necesary, the flora and fauna. I would also like to thank Dr Oliver Rackham who provided many valuable comments and criticisms on the original draft of this manuscript; the Essex Field Club who agreed to publish this booklet and also for the loan of Longworth small mammal traps and the following who have been so forthcoming with determinations or confirmation of my determinations:- Vascular Plants — Dr K. J. Adams Bryophytes — Dr K. J. Adams Lichens — Mr J. Skinner (Southend Museum) Fungi — Mr G. Kibby Mollusca — Mr F. Naggs (British Museum, Natural History) Chilopoda & Diplopoda — Mr P. Hillyard (B.M., N.H.) Isopoda — Ms J. Ellis (B.M., N.H.) Diptera — Mr P. J. Chandler; Mr J. Dear (B.M., N.H.); Mr A. Irwin (Castle Museum, Norwich); Mr R. Lane (B.M., N.H.); Mr A. Pont (B.M., N.H.); Mr D. A. Smith; Mr A. Stubbs (Nature Conservancy Council); Mr R. Uffen. Hymenoptera — Mr M. Edwards Coleoptera — Mr P. M. Hammond Micro-Lepidoptera — Lt Col. A. M. Emmet I would particularly like to thank Mr Derek Smith, the Essex Field Club Diptera recorder, for much hard work put into the list of flies; Dr Ken Adams for his numerous identifications and checking of a number of plant species; Mr Geoffrey Kibby who contributed the section on fungi and Mr M. Edwards who determined the smaller Aculeate Hymenoptera. Finally I would like to thank the numerous people who have provided information, access to information, photographs and general advice:- Mr E. Brame, Mr R. Creevy, Dr P. Ellis, Mr S. J. Falk, Mr P. Ferris, Mrs P. Moxey (Epping Forest Conservation Centre), Mr Samarasingha (Epping Forest District Council) Mr D. Scott, Mr F. Scott, Mr C. Johnson, the curator and staff of the Passmore Edwards Museum, the staff of the reference section of Loughton Library and Mrs J. Bunyard who typed the manuscript. Voucher Specimens I have retained voucher specimens for all the invertebrate groups (except but- terflies) and also for most mosses and among the higher plants for the grasses, sedges and rushes. 67