REFERENCES 1 ADDISON, W. (1977) Portrait of Epping Forest. Hale, London. 2 Bacons New Map of Epping Forest, with Guide (no date). London. 3 BAKER, C. A., MOXEY, P. A. & OXFORD, P. M. (1978) Woodland Continuity and Change in Epping Forest. Field Studies 4: 645-669. 4 BAYNE, C. S. et al (1934) Birds of the London Area, London Nat. for 1933: 104 & 111. 5 BLOWER, J. G. (1958) British Millipedes (Diplopoda) Synopses of the British Fauna II, London (Linn. Soc). 6 BOULGER, G. S. (1883) Epping Forest, its present condition, with suggestions for its future management; being reports resulting from recent visits to the Forest. Trans. Essex Field Club 3 pt. 7 Appendix No. 1: xxxix-xl. 7 BROOKS, P. T. & FULCHER, E. A. (1979) An Archaeological Guide to Epping Forest. Conservators of Epping Forest. 8 BUCK, F. D. (1955) A Provisional List of the Coleoptera of Epping Forest Ent. Mon. Mag. 91: 174-192. 9 BUXTON, E. N. (1898) Epping Forest (5th Edition) Stanford. London. 10 CHAPMAN, D.I. (1977) Deer of Essex Essex Nat. (New Series) 1: 43. 11 CHRISTY, R. M. (1890) The Birds of Essex Chelmsford. 12 COLE, H. A. (1887) Dormouse recorded from Buckhurst Hill. Essex Nat. 1:63. 13 COLE. W. (1894) The Management of Epping Forest. Essex Nat. 8:56. 14 CORKE, D. (Ed.) (1978) Epping Forest—the natural aspect? Essex Nat. (New Series) 2. 15 CORKE, D. (Ed.) (1979) The Wildlife of Epping Forest. Essex Nat. (New Series) 4. 16 CORNER, E. J. H. (1950)4 Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera. Oxford. 17 DANIEL, W. B. (1812) Rural Sports 1: 463. London. 18 DARLINGTON, A. (1975) The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Plant Galls in Colour. Revised Edition. Blandford, 19 DENNIS, R. W. G., ORTON, P. D. & HORA. F. B. (1960) New Checklist of British Agarics and Boleti. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. Suppl., 1-225. 20 EASON, E, H. (1964) Centipedes of the British Isles. Warne. 21 EDNEY, E. B. (1954) Woodlice. Synopses of the British Fauna 9, London (Linn. Soc). 22 ERITH, E. J. (no date) History of Chigwell Vols. 1 & 2. and other handwritten mss. in Loughton Library, includes records from the Rolls of the Court of Attachments of the Royal Forest of Waltham. 23 ERITH, E. J. (1950) Woodford, Essex 1600-1836. A Study of Local Government in a Residential Parish. Woodford and District Historical Society. Proc. & Trans. pt. 10 (see map facing p. 124). 24 Fairmead Lodge, Epping Forest (1900) Essex Nat, 11:56. 25 Field Meeting. July 1882. Proc. Essex Field Club 2 pt. 6: xli. 26 FISHER, W. R. (1897) The Forest of Essex. Butterworth, London. 27 FORSYTH, L. (1978) Tiptree Heath—its history and natural history. Essex Nat. (New Series) 3. 28 FREEMAN, J. (1862) The Stratford Flora. London. 29 GIBSON. G. S. (1862) The Flora of Essex. London. 30 GLEGG, W. E. (1929) A History of the Birds of Essex. London. 31 GRIGSON. G. (1975) The Englishman's Flora. Paladin. 32 HAWKSWORTH, D. L., JAMES, P. W. & COPPINS, B. J. (1980) Checklist of British Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi. Lichenologist 12(1): 1-115. 33 HUNTER. R. (1878) The Epping Forest Act. London. 34 JERMYN, S. T. (1975) The Flora of Essex. Essex Naturalists' Trust, Colchester. 35 JOHNSON, C. (1973) Victorian Buckhurst Hill — a miscellany. Epping Forest District council. 36 KERNEY, M. P. & CAMERON, R. A. D. (1979) A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Britain and North West Europe. Collins. 37 KLOET, G. S. & HINCKS, W. D. (1964) A Checklist of British Insects. Small orders & Hemiptera. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects 11(1) 38 KLOET, G. S. & HINCKS, W. D. (1972) A Checklist of British Insects. Lepidoptera. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects. 11(2). 39 KLOET, G. S. & HINCKS, W. D. (1977) A Checklist of British Insects. Coleoptera and Strepsiptera. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects. 11(3). 40 KLOET, G. S. & HINCKS, W. D. (1978) A Checklist of British Insects. Hymenoptera. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects. 11(4). 41 KLOET, G. S, & HINCKS, W. D. (1976) A Checklist of British Insects. Diptera & Siphonaptera. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects. 11(5). 42 LLOYD. E. G. (1977) The Wild Service tree (Sorbus torminalis) in Epping Forest. London Nat. 56:22-28. 43 MALENOIR, G. (1963) Further Notes on the Reptile and Amphibian Survey of Epping Forest. Essex Nat. 31: 142. 44 MORRIS. M. G. & PERRING, F. H. (Eds.)(1974) The British Oak. B.S.B.I., Classey. 45 MOSER, M. (1976) Die Rohrlinge und Blatterpilze Kleine Kryptogamenflora. Stuttgart. 68