CONTENTS EDITORIAL 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 SOME NOTABLE ESSEX BUTTER- FLIES AND LARGER MOTHS 6 THE CHANGING STATUS OF ESSEX BUTTERFLIES 12 IS ESSEX A POOR COUNTY FOR BUTTERFLIES? 16 THE BUTTERFLIES AND LARGER MOTHS OF SELECTED ESSEX HABITATS Sawbridgeworth Marsh 22 Grays Chalk Quarry 23 Stour and Copperas Woods 23 Benfleet Downs 24 Backwarden 25 Colne Point 26 Fingringhoe Wick 28 New House Farm, Great Bromley 29 INTRODUCTION TO THE SYSTEM- ATIC LIST AND DISTRIBUTION MAPS The scope of the systematic list 31 The Lepidoptera Panel 31 Links with the Guide 32 Family descriptions 32 Nomenclature 32 Recording area 32 Status of species 33 List of recorders 34 Numbers of species 35 The distribution maps 36 THE SYSTEMATIC LIST Primitive moths: Hepialidae 38 Cossidae 38 Zygaenidae 39 Limacodidae 39 Sesiidae 40 Butterflies: Hesperiidae 41 Papilionidae 42 Pieridae 43 Lycaenidae 44 Nemeobiidae 46 Nymphalidae 46 Satyridae 49 Danaidae 51 Larger Moths: Lasiocampidae 51 Saturniidae 52 Drepanidae 52 Thyatiridae 53 Geometridae 54 Sphingidae 77 Notodontidae 79 Lymantriidae 81 Arctiidae 83 Nolidae 86 Noctuidae 86 Appendix 115 ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SMALLER MOTHS OF ESSEX 118 REFERENCES AND SOURCES 129