such as the dark brocade (Blepharita adusta), rosy minor (Mesoligia literosa) and large wainscot (Rhizedra lutosa). These last two are usually associated with coastal localities and, even if they were just passing through, show that regular monitoring of any habitat can bring a few surprises. We would like to thank the farmer, Mr George Kempster, and his son Bill for their help in compiling the lepidoptera records and for allowing the Colchester Museum staff and members of the Colchester Natural History Society access to their land for recording purposes. INTRODUCTION TO THE SYSTEMATIC LIST AND DISTRIBUTION MAPS The scope of the systematic list The systematic list contains all the butterflies and larger moths (the macrolepidoptera) which have been reliably identified in Essex since recording began. In addition, an appendix lists: (a) species recorded in the literature as having occurred in Essex but which, in the view of the Lepidoptera Panel (see below), cannot be admitted to the Essex list; (b) imported species, i.e. those accidentally introduced by man, often as larvae on imported plants. The list is more than a supplement to that contained in A Guide to the Butterflies and larger Moths of Essex ("the Guide") compiled by J. Firmin and G. A. Pyman, assisted by the other members of the Lepidoptera Panel, and published by the Essex Naturalists' Trust in 1975; inasmuch as it lists all species with a brief indication of their status and, where appropriate in the case of the butterflies, an historical summary, it is complete in itself. It is, however, closely linked to the Guide, as explained below. The Lepidoptera Panel This Panel was originally set up by the Essex Naturalists' Trust to adjudicate on records collected for the Guide's systematic list At the invitation of the Essex Field Club as publishers of the present work, the Panel was reactivated to perform the same role in relation to the updated systematic list, members lost to the Panel through death having been replaced. The membership of the Panel is now as follows:- *J. Firmin, MBOU (Chairman) *D. G. Down The Rev. D. J. L. Agassiz, MA Lieut-Col. A. M. Emmet, (compiler of the Dr M. E. Anthoney distribution maps and references) Dr E. Benton *G. A. Pyman (compiler of the systematic list) *A J. Dewick *Members of the original Panel 31