Hunsdon Mead Nature Reserve (Essex / Hertfordshire) Pelham Field Centre (CEGB) (Essex / Hertfordshire) Status of species The following terms are used in the systematic list- Resident - known or presumed to breed or have bred in the County. Migrant - an immigrant, whether on a regular or casual basis. Colonist - an insect which has established itself in Essex in recent years. Vagrant - an insect believed to have wandered from another part of Britain and not thought to have bred in Essex. No recent record - an insect not recorded in Essex since 1924, whether extinct or overlooked. This conforms to the policy adopted for the Guide, which relegated to an appendix all species which had last been recorded in the County prior to 1925. Degree of abundance and distribution The following terms are used in the systematic list- (a). Degree of abundance (b). Distribution Abundant Widespread Very common Fairly Widespread Common Rather local Fairly common Local Rare Very local Very rare Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used:- BMNH - British Museum (Natural History) MBGBI - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland (Heath et al, 1979; 1983) NR - Nature Reserve SME - The smaller moths of Essex VCH - The Victoria County History of Essex Basic information on species The following basic information appears against each species in the order shown: - Scientific name with author Scientific name used in the Guide where different (in brackets) English name (in bold type) Page number of the reference (where it exists) to the species the Guide Status summary New records (where applicable) Where individual records are given in accordance with the policy mentioned above, the locality is preceded by the number of the 10km grid square in which it is located. Wherever possible, the year of a record or, in the case of an annually observed species, the present status is given. Where the year is not available, it can be taken that it is post-1969 unless otherwise stated. The full date, however, appears only in the case of a very rare Essex species or the first record of a recent colonist 33