Apoda limacodes (Hufn.) (A. avellana Linn.) The Festoon p52. Resident, very local and scarce. 91 Layer Wood, 1984 (AJD); 92 Berechurch/Layer-de-la- Haye, small numbers in three localities in some or all of the years 1976-83 (JY); 02 north of Colchester, two 1976 (JY); 1983, 1984 (BG). Heterogenea asella (D. & S.) The Triangle pl 32. No recent record. SESIIDAE The clearwings, so called because the wings of most species are almost devoid of scales, range from very small to medium-size. The forewings are elongate and extremely narrow. These day-flying moths cannot feed in the adult stage and closely resemble various species of Hymenoptera. The species are monophagous or oligophagous and the larvae live burrowing inside the foodplant. Most species live in the stems or branches of trees but others in the roots of herbaceous plants. They overwinter in the larval stage and, usually, this stage lasts more than one year. The pupa is formed inside the larval gallery and protrudes from it for the emergence of the moth. Few lepidopterists would claim specialised knowledge of this family, the adults of which are rarely seen and consequently most species are likely to have been under-recorded. Twelve of the fifteen British species have been found in Essex of which nine are now resident Sesia apiformis (Cl.) Hornet Moth p53. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Sesia bembeciformis (Hb.) (Sphecia bembeciformis) Lunar Hornet Moth p54. Resident, local. 49 Epping Forest, 1979 (AJF); 40 Epping Forest, 1979; Wintry Wood, 1979 (AJF); 41 Harlow, 1979 (AJF); 51 near Takeley, 1981 (AJF); 67 Grays Chalk Quarry NR. common, (DJLA); 62 Bardfield Saling, 1977 (AJF); 63 Little Bardfield, 1977 (AJF); 74 Belchamp St Paul, 1983 (AME); 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, 1975 (AJF). Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Sciapteron tabaniformis) Dusky Clearwing pl32. No recent record. Synanthedon tipuliformis (Cl.) (Aegeria tipuliformis) Currant Clearwing p54. Resident, local; appears to have declined. 38 Walthamstow, 1980 (RD); 49 Loughton, regular at low density (AJF); 58 Romford c.1980 (SL); 50 Ongar, 1983 (DCT); 67 Tilbury, 1984 (CP); 69 Ingrave, 1977 (KWG); 62 Bardfield Saling, 1983 (DCT); 12 Wix, 1976 (RM). Synanthedon vespiformis (Linn.) (Aegeria vespiformis) Yellow-legged Clearwing p54. Resident, local. 49 Epping Forest, 1980(MWH); 40 Harlow, 1976 (AJF); 41 Roydon, 1976 (AJF); 51 Matching, 1982 (AJF); 61 Garnetts Wood, 1979 (AME). 40