Synanthedon spheciformis (D. & S.) (Aegeria spheciformis) White-barred Clearwing pl32. No recent record. Synanthedon andrenaeformis (Esp.) (Aegeria andrenaeformis Lasp.) Orange-tailed Clearwing p54. Resident, very local: tends to form colonies which thrive for a time but are then eradicated by predators and parasites. 40 Harlow, regular (AJF); 57 Purfleet, 1982 (DJLA); 51 Matching, small colony (AJF); 52 Broxted, colony now almost destroyed by hedge clearance (AJF); 67 Grays Chalk Quarry NR, 1982, 1983 (DJLA). [This species is listed in Bradley & Fletcher (1979) as S. anthraciniformis but, under a recent ruling of the Commission for Zoological Nomenclature (Melville, 1984), the name used here has been reinstated.] Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkh.) (Aegeria myopaeformis) Red-belted Clearwing p54. Resident, local. 38 Walthamstow Marshes, rare but annual (BW); 49 Loughton, 1978, 1980 (AJF); 54 Chesterford Park (JR); 67 Grays, many pupa cases, 1983 (DJLA); 69 on bus between Brentwood and Ingrave, 1977 (APMcC). Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esp.) (Aegeria formicaeformis) Red-tipped Clearwing p55. Resident, very local. 58 Dagenham Chase, 1984 (SL). Synanthedon culiciformis (Linn.) (Aegeria culiciformis) Large Red-belted Clearwing p54. Resident, very local. Bembecia scopigera (Scop.) (Dipsosphecia scopigera) Six-belted Clearwing p55. Resident, very local. Bembecia chrysidiformis (Esp.) (Aegeria chrysidiformis) Fiery Clearwing pl32. No recent record. BUTTERFLIES HESPERIIDAE Skippers are a cosmopolitan family of small butterflies with wide heads, antennae widely separated at the base and gradually thickening to form a club at the tip. The thorax is robust and, unlike many butterflies, all three pairs of legs are functional. Flight is short and darting; hence the English name. The orange-brown species (Hesperiinae) have larvae that feed on grass while those of the darker species (Pyrginae) feed on specific broad-leaved grassland plants. Most species overwinter as larvae although the grizzled skipper pupates before winter. The pupae are contained within a cocoon - unlike those of members of almost all other butterfly families. Six of the eight British species have been recorded in Essex although one has long been extinct in the county. Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda) Small Skipper p37. Resident, widespread and common. Colonies of this small butterfly are to be found wherever suitable conditions exist for it on uncultivated ground, in grassland, on heaths and commons, or in woodland clearings. 41