Aplasta ononaria (Fuessl.) Rest Harrow p96. Migrant or vagrant; very rare; one record only (at Bradwell-on-Sea, 1961) *. Pseudoterpna pruinata (Hufn.) p96. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Geometra papilionaria (Linn.) p96. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Comibaena bajularia (D. & S.) (C. pustulata (Hufn.)) p96. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Grass Emerald Large Emerald Blotched Emerald Thetidia smaragdaria (Fabr.) Essex Emerald p97. Resident, very rare. So far as is known, currently restricted to one small colony, not shown on our map. Hemithea aestivaria (Hb.) p96. Resident, widespread and common. Common Emerald Chlorissa viridata (Linn.) Small Grass Emerald No recent record. 40 Epping (Stephens, 1831). It is difficult not to entertain slight reservations about this isolated record, but the locality would have provided suitable habitat for this species at the time. Thalera fimbrialis (Scop.) Sussex Emerald p97. Migrant or vagrant, very rare; one record only (Bradwell-on-Sea, 1964) *. Hemistola chrysoprasaria (Esp.) (H. immaculata (Thunb.)) p97. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Jodis lactearia (Linn.) p97. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Small Emerald Little Emerald Sterrhinae The 'waves' are a large group of small moths with the thin-bodied, butterfly shape typical of many geometrids. Both sexes have the wings and haustellum fully developed. The long, thin caterpillars are oligophagous on herbaceous plants or shrubs but a few species are tree-feeders. Most species overwinter as larvae. Twenty-six of the 40 British species are known from Essex, 22 of them being resident One species is a migrant - a rare habit in the Geometridae. Cyclophora annulata (Schulze) (Cosymbia annulata) The Mocha p98. Resident, very local and scarce. 51 Matching, 1982 (AJF).; 63 Thaxted, 1975,1979 (AJF); 23 Copperas Wood, 1984 (PS). 55