Cyclophora albipunctata (Hufn.) (Cosymbia albipunctata) Birch Mocha p97. Resident, local and generally scarce; evidence of decline. 49 Theydon Bois (TWG); 67 Grays Chalk Quarry NR, 1982 (DJLA). Cyclophora puppillaria (Hb.) (Cosymbia puppillaria) Blair's Mocha p98. Migrant (possibly new colonist but no evidence yet of breeding), very rare; only one earlier record (at Hockley in 1956) *. 67 E. Tilbury, 1983 (CH); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 3 Oct. 1976, 22 Oct. 1977, 5 Oct. 1983 (AJD). Cyclophora porata (Linn.) (Cosymbia porata) False Mocha p98. Resident, very local and scarce. 92 Berechurch, larva, 1969 (RH); scarce, 1976 and 1980-81 (JY). Cyclophora punctaria (Linn.) (Cosymbia punctaria) Maiden's Blush p98. Resident, local and scarce; evidence of decline. 41 Wallbury, 1980 (GHBS); 57 Purfleet, 1983 (DJLA); 51 Matching, 1982 (AJF); 67 Tilbury, 1982 (CP);68 Thames-side, 1977 (RT); 63 Thaxted (AJF); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, irregular (AJD). Cyclophora linearia (Hb.) (Cosymbia linearia) Clay Triple-lines p98. Resident, local and generally scarce or rare. 48 Wanstead, 1981 (CD); 49 Epping Forest 1979-82 (IS); Theydon Bois c.1982 (TWG): Loughton, 1984 (KJA); 63 Thaxted, 1982(AJF); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1980, 1982 (AJD); 21 Great Holland Pits NR, 1975 (JF et al). Timandra griseata (Peters) (Calothysanis amata sensu auctt.) Blood-vein p97. Resident, widespread and very common. Correction to Guide; delete reference to a melanic specimen at Bradwell-on-Sea. Scopula ornata (Scop.) Lace Border p99. Vagrant, very rare. 63 Thaxted, 1976 (AJF); 81 Wickham Bishops, 1976 (GCD, RES). Scopula rubiginata (Hufn.) Tawny Wave pl34. Vagrant, very rare (? formerly very local resident). 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1 Aug. 1982 (SFJD), 14 Aug. 1983 (AJD); 12 Great Oakley, 22 July 1982 (RL). The only records this century (see Guide). Scopula marginepunctata (Goeze) (Scopula promutata (Guen.)) Mullein Wave p99. Resident, local; locally common; southern and eastern, particularly along coast and estuaries. 56