Scopula imitaria (Hb.) p99. Resident, widespread and locally common. Small Blood-vein Scopula emutaria (Hb.) Rosy Wave p99. Resident, local; locally fairly common; restricted to the coast and estuaries. Scopula immutata (Linn.) p99. Resident, local and generally scarce. Scopula floslactata (Haw.) (S. lactata (Haw.)) p100. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Lesser Cream Wave Cream Wave Idaea ochrata (Scop.) (Sterrha ochrata) Bright Wave p100. Resident, very local and generally scarce. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea 16 July 1985 (SFJD). Idaea vulpinaria (H.-S.) (Sterrha vulpinaria) Least Carpet p100. Resident, local but increasing in numbers and extending its range northwards. Idaea biselata (Hufn.) (Sterrha biselata) p101. Resident, widespread and locally common. Idaea fuscovenosa (Goeze) (Sterrha interjectaria (Boisd.)) p100. Resident, widespread and locally common. Small Fan-footed Wave Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea seriata (Schr.) (Sterrha seriata) p101. Resident, widespread and locally common. Idaea dimidiata (Hufn.) (Sterrha dimidiata) p100. Resident, widespread and common. Idaea subsericeata (Haw.) (Sterrha subsericeata) p101. Resident, local; locally fairly common; mainly southern. Idaea trigeminata (Haw.) (Sterrha trigeminata) Small Dusty Wave Single-dotted Wave Satin Wave Treble Brown Spot p101. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common; mainly southern and eastern. Idaea emarginata (Linn.) (Sterrha emarginata) Small Scallop p101. Resident, widespread and locally common. 57