Cosmorhoe ocellata (Linn.) (Lyncometra ocellata) Purple Bar p106. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Coenotephria salicata (Hb.) Striped Twin-spot Carpet Vagrant or migrant; one record only. 88 Thundersley, a fresh specimen at window light, 16 May 1976 (DGD). The first Essex record of this species which has a northern and westerly distribution in Britain. In view of its European distribution it seems unlikely that it had arrived from the Continent, although the winds were easterly at the time: single individuals also appeared in Surrey in 1962 and 1982 (Bretherton, 1983). Eulithis prunata (Linn.) (Lygris prunata) The Phoenix pl07. Resident, local; locally fairly common; mainly western save for a pocket in the extreme north-east. Eulithis testata (Linn.) (Lygris testata) The Chevron pl07. Resident, rather local and generally scarce. Eulithis mellinata (Fabr.) (Lygris mellinata) The Spinach p107. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Eulithis pyraliata (D. & S.) (Lygris pyraliata) Barred Straw pl07. Resident, widespread and common. Ecliptopera silaceata (D. & S.) Small Phoenix pl06. Resident, widespread and locally common; has much increased in numbers and extended its range in the present century. Chloroclysta siterata (Hufn.) Red-green Carpet pl08. Resident, rare; no certain record since 1969 (see Guide). Chloroclysta miata (Linn.) Autumn Green Carpet p108. Resident, rare; no certain record since 1970 (see Guide). Chloroclysta citrata (Linn.) (Dysstroma citrata) Dark Marbled Carpet p108. Resident, local and scarce; now virtually confined to the west of the County. 49 Epping Forest (EFCC); 40,41 Harlow (BMcR); 59 Coxtie Green, 1976(PJW);51 Matching, 1981 (AJF); 52 Takeley, frequent (GHBS); 53 Saffron Walden, occasional (AME); 54 Chesterford Park, 1976 (JR); 63 Thaxted, 1975 (AJF). 61