Colostygia multistrigaria (Haw.) Mottled Grey pl03. Resident, very local and generally scarce. 69 Thorndon Park, now known to be established (WLC) (see Guide). Colostygia pectinataria (Knoch) pl03. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Hydriomena furcata (Thunb.) pl09. Resident, widespread and very common. Hydriomena impluviata (D. & S.) (H. coerulata (Fabr.)) pl09. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Hydriomena ruberata (Freyer) pl 35. No recent record. Horisme vitalbata (D. & S.) Green Carpet July Highflyer May Highflyer Ruddy Highflyer Small Waved Umber p111. Resident, rather local; locally common; mainly western and southern. Horisme tersata (D. & S.) p111. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. The Fern M Pretty Chalk Carpet Pareulype berberata (D. & S.) p134. No recent record. Barberry Carpet Spargania luctuata (D. & S.) White-banded Carpet pl05. Vagrant, very rare; two records only (Woodham Ferrers, old, undated; Hookend near Brentwood in 1974)*. Rheumaptera hastata (Linn.) p135. No recent record. Rheumaptera cervinalis (Scop.) p110. Resident, local and generally rather scarce. Argent and Sable Scarce Tissue Rheumaptera undulata (Linn.) Scallop Shell p110. Resident, local; locally fairly common; mainly northern and possibly increasing. 63