Triphosa dubitata (Linn.) The Tissue pl09. Resident, local and scarce. 51 Matching, 1982 (AJF); 60 Writtle (Writtle AC, RES); 70 Danbury Ridge, 1978-82 (GAP); 81 Wickham Bishops (GCD, RES); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, two 1973, 1979, 1983 (AJD); 12 Weeleyhall Wood NR, 1983 (RWA, JGB). Philereme vetulata (D. & S.) pl09. Resident, local; scarce to fairly common. Brown Scallop Philereme transversata (Hufn.) pl09. Resident, local; scarce to fairly common (occasionally common). Dark Umber Euphyia biangulata (Haw.) (E. picata Hb.) Cloaked Carpet pl05. Resident, very local and generally scarce or rare; north-eastern and southern. It is now known to occur annually in small numbers in the undisclosed N.E. Essex locality mentioned in the Guide. 58 Aveley, 1983 (DJLA), two 1984 (DJLA, CWP); 68 Langdon Hills, 1978 (APMcC, IRMcC, RT). Euphyia unangulata (Haw.) Sharp-angled Carpet pl05. Resident, local; formerly locally common but some evidence of a recent decline. Epirrita dilutata (D. & S.) (Oporinia dilutata) p113. Resident, widespread and very common to abundant. November Moth Epirrita christyi (Allen) (Oporinia christyi) Pale November Moth p 113. Resident, apparently very local and scarce but may be overlooked. 7 3 Gainsford End, 1983 (AME); 81 Wickham Bishops, two 1976 (GCD, RES). Operophtera brumata (Linn.) p113. Resident, widespread and very common to abundant. Winter Moth Operophtera fagata (Scharf.) Northern Winter Moth pl 13. Resident, very local; common or very common in one or two localities. 49 Epping Forest, well represented (DJLA); 59 Coxtie Green, 1957 (PJW); 52 Henham, pre-1940 (PFA); 92 Berechurch, 1983 (JY). 64