Eupithecia cauchiata (Dup.) No recent record. 40 Epping, mid-1800s (Agassiz et al., 1981). This is the only British record: the specimen is in the BMNH. Eupithecia absinthiata (Cl.) Wormwood Pug p117. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Eupithecia goossensiata Mab. Ling Pug p117. ?Resident, very local and rare; no record since 1973 (see Guide). Eupithecia assimilata Doubl. Currant Pug p118. Resident, apparently rather local (locally common or fairly common) but perhaps overlooked. Eupithecia expallidata Doubl. Bleached Pug p118. ?Resident, very local and rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1981 (AJD). Eupithecia vulgata (Haw.) p118. Resident, widespread and common. Eupithecia tripunctaria H.-S. p117. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Eupithecia denotata (Hb.) p135. No recent record. Eupithecia subfuscata (Haw.) ( E. castigata Hb.) p118. Resident, widespread and locally common. Eupithecia icterata (Haw.) p118. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Eupithecia succenturiata (Linn.) p118. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Eupithecia subumbrata (D. & S.) Common Pug White-spotted Pug Campanula Pug Grey Pug Tawny Speckled Pug Bordered Pug Shaded Pug p115. Resident, local; locally fairly common; mainly along the coast and estuaries. Eupithecia millefoliata (Rossi.) Yarrow Pug p115. Resident, local and generally scarce but larvae sometimes common; southern. 67