Eupithecia pusillata (D. & S.) ( E. sobrinata Hb.) Juniper Pug pl 20. Resident, local but increasing in numbers and extending its range; presumably breeding on garden junipers. Eupithecia phoeniceata (Ramb.) Cypress Pug ?Resident, very rare; the following are the only records of this recent arrival.; 67 Tilbury, 16 Sept 1981 (CAP); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 8 Sept 1980 (SFJD), 22 Sept 1980 (AJD). Eupithecia lariciata (Freyer) Larch Pug pl20. Resident, very local and scarce. 48 East Ham, 1983 (CWP); 59, 69 Warley, larvae, 1982 (AJD); 54 Chesterford Park, very infrequent (JR); 70 Danbury Ridge, 1983 (GAP), 1984 (SW); 91 Layer Wood, 1984 (AJD). Eupithecia tantillaria Boisd. Dwarf Pug Resident, probably a recent arrival and, although still very local, extending its range. 43 High Wood, 1980 (AME); 51 Wall Wood, 1979 (GHBS); 52 Hatfield Forest, 1982 (GHBS); 5 3 Rowney Wood, 1979 (AME); 54 Chesterford Park, very infrequent (JR); 70 Danbury Ridge, four, 1984 (SW); 71 Sandylay Wood NR, Great Leighs, 1982 (GAP); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 13 June 1975 (the first Essex record),1982 (AJD). Chloroclystis v-ata (Haw.) ( C. coronata Hb.) p120. Resident, widespread and locally common. The V Pug Chloroclystis chloerata (Mab.) Sloe Pug pl20. Resident. This pug, which was first recognised as British as recently as 1971, has already been recorded in 19 squares and is likely to be widespread. It is now known that what proved to be this species was taken in Essex in the mid-1960s at 88 Westcliff-on-Sea (HCH) and this constitutes the first record for the County. Chloroclystis rectangulata (Linn.) p120. Resident, widespread and common. Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Haw.) ( G. pumilata Hb.) p120. Resident, widespread and common. Anticollix sparsata (Treit.) p135. No recent record. Green Pug Double-striped Pug Dentated Pug Chesias legatella (D. & S.) p110. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common (rare in the north-west). The Streak 69