Pterapherapteryx sexalata (Retz.) ( Mysticoptera sexalata ) Small Seraphim p111. Resident, very local; locally fairly common; eastern. 81 Tiptree Heath, 1983 (AJD); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1976(AJD), 1983 (SFJD); 91 LayerWood, 1984 (AJD); 92 Layer-de-la-Haye / Berechurch, locally fairly common; Prettygate, several, 1976 (JY); Ol Fingringhoe Wick NR, 1976 (PJW); 02 N. Colchester, several, 1976 (JY); 21 Great Holland Pits NR, 1979 (MEA). Acasis viretata (Hb.) Yellow-barred Brindle p111. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Ennominae This subfamily includes the 'thorns' and 'beauties' and almost all the largest species of geometrid as well as some small and medium-sized moths. They tend to have relatively stout bodies and, in the case of the thorns, angled borders to their wings. Most species feed on the leaves of trees or shrubs and include all those geometrids with caterpillars that closely resemble sticks; the larvae of the thorns tend to have thorn-like projections which enhance the illusion. Several genera have adults which emerge in winter and in these the females are brachypterous or even completely wingless. Most of the remainder overwinter as larvae camouflaged on their foodplant or as pupae in subterranean cocoons. There are 81 species on the British list of which 57 are now resident in Essex. Abraxas grossulariata (Linn.) The Magpie p121. Resident, widespread and common, especially so in 1984. Abraxas sylvata (Scop.) Clouded Magpie pl20. Resident, very local and scarce or rare. 49 Epping Forest, 1979 (CD per IS); 54 Chesterford Park, 1981 (JR); 70 Danbury Ridge, 1978 (FBM, GAP); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1975, two 1983 (AJD); 92 Layer-de-la-Haye, 1983 (JY); 11 St Osyth, 1984 (RWA); 23 Ramsey, 1975 (Mrs Simpson per MEA). Lomaspilis marginata (Linn.) Clouded Border p121. Resident, widespread and common. Ligdia adustata (D. & S.) Scorched Carpet pl21. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Semiothisa notata (Linn.) Peacock Moth p122. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common; mainly southern and eastern. 71