Crocalis elinguaria (Linn.) Scalloped Oak p125. Resident, widespread and common. Ourapteryx sambucaria (Linn.) Swallow-tailed Moth p126. Resident, widespread and common. Colotois pennaria (Linn.) Feathered Thorn p125. Resident, widespread and common. Angerona prunaria (Linn.) Orange Moth pl22. Resident, local; has probably declined but is still locally fairly common. Apocheima hispidaria (D. & S.) Small Brindled Beauty p126. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Apocheima pilosaria (D. & S.) (Phigalia pedaria Fabr.) Pale Brindled Beauty p126. Resident, widespread and locally common. Lycia hirtaria (Cl.) Brindled Beauty p126. Resident, widespread and locally common. Biston strataria (Hufn.) Oak Beauty pl26. Resident, widespread and locally common. Biston betularia (Linn.) Peppered Moth pl26. Resident, widespread and common. Agriopis leucophaearia (D. & S.) ( Erannis leucophaearia ) Spring Usher pl23. Resident, rather local; locally common. Agriopis aurantiaria (Hb.) (Erannis aurantiaria ) Scarce Umber pl23. Resident, widespread and locally common. 74