Agriopis marginaria (Fabr.) (Erannis marginaria) Dotted Border p123. Resident, widespread and locally common. Erannis defoliaria (Cl.) Mottled Umber p123. Resident, widespread and locally common. Menophra abruptaria (Thunb.) Waved Umber p126. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Peribatodes rhomboidaria (D. & S.) (Cleora rhomboidaria ) Willow Beauty pl27. Resident, widespread and common. Cleora cinctaria (D. & S.) Ringed Carpet p135. No recent record. Deileptenia ribeata (Cl.) Satin Beauty p135. No recent record. Alcis repandata (Linn.) Mottled Beauty pl27. Resident, widespread and common. Boarmia roboraria (D. & S.) Great Oak Beauty p127. Formerly very local resident; rare vagrant or possibly resident. 49 Loughton, 2 July 1984 (KJA), the first record since 1958 (see Guide). Serraca punctinalis (Scop.) ( Pseudoboarmia punctinalis ) Pale Oak Beauty p127. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common; considerable extension of range this century. Cleorodes lichenaria (Warr.) Brussels Lace pl27. Formerly rare resident; no record since 1960 (see Guide). Ectropis bistortata (Goeze) ( E. biundularia Borkh.) The Engrailed pl27. Resident, widespread and locally common. Ectropis crepuscularia (D. & S.) Small Engrailed pl28. Resident, apparently fairly widespread. The Guide admitted records of this species from only five squares. The map below shows that it has been recorded in 25 squares since 1959 and 19 since 1969. In view of the difficulty which exists in separating this species from E. bistortata above, it is perhaps best to regard the distribution shown on this map as provisional only. 75