Ectropis consonaria (Hb.) p128. Formerly rare resident; no record since 1966 (see Guide). Ectropis extersaria (Hb.) p128. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Aethalura punctulata (D. & S.) p128. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Square Spot Brindled White-spot Grey Birch Ematurga atomaria (Linn.) Common Heath pl28. Formerly local resident; now rare and doubtfully resident. 49 Epping Forest, 16 May 1973 (PJW); 40 Harlow, inside a building, June 1982 (AJF). Bupalus piniaria (Linn.) p129. Resident, local; locally fairly common; recent extension of range. Bordered White Cabera pusaria (Linn.) ( Deilinia pusaria ) p122. Resident, widespread and common. Cabera exanthemata (Scop.) ( Deilinia exanthemata ) p122. Resident, widespread and common. Common White Wave Common Wave Lomographa bimaculata (Fabr.) ( Bapta bimaculata ) White-pinion Spotted p121. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common to common; mainly northern. Lomographa temerata (D. & S.) ( Bapta temerata ) p122. Resident, widespread and common. Aleucis distinctata (H. -S.) (Bapta distinctata ) p121. Resident, local; locally common; mainly eastern. Theria primaria (Haw.) (Theria rupicapraria auctt.) p123. Resident, widespread and locally common. Campaea margaritata (Linn.) p122. Resident, widespread and common. Hylaea fasciaria (Linn.) (Ellopia fasciaria) p122. Resident, local; still scarce but recent extension of range. Clouded Silver Sloe Carpet Early Moth Light Emerald Barred Red 76