Hyles gallii (Rott.) (Celerio galii) Bedstraw Hawk-moth p38. Migrant, irregular and very scarce. 42 Manuden. 1983 (GHBS); 69 Brentwood, 1976 (CGdeW); 88 Westcliff-on-Sea, 1976 (Bretherton, 1983b); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1974-78, 1982 (AJD, SFJD). Hyles lineata (Fabr.) (Celerio livornica Esp.) Striped Hawk-moth p39. Migrant, very rare : 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 19 April 1985 (AJD): 02 Gt Bromley. 18 April 1985 (GK). Deilephila elpenor (Linn.) Elephant Hawk-moth p39. Resident, widespread and common; recent increase. Deilephila porcellus (Linn.) p39. Resident, formerly widespread; now local and scarce. Small Elephant Hawk-moth Hippotion celerio (Linn.) Silver-striped Hawk-moth p39. Migrant, very rare; only two recent records (at Bradwell-on-Sea and Thames Haven, both in 1961)*. NOTODONTIDAE The prominents are mostly medium-sized or large moths but include some small and very large species. They are stout-bodied moths with rather narrow wings; most species have small tufts on the hind margins of the forewings which merge when the insect is at rest (wings tent-like over the body) to form small humps - hence both the scientific and English names of the family. The larvae are stout and most species are hairless - many have humps or curious-shaped bodies. All are monophagous or oligophagous on broad-leaved trees or shrubs and all overwinter in the pupal stage. Twenty-two of the 25 British species are known from Essex and all but five of these are present-day residents in the county. Phalera bucephala (Linn.) Buff-tip p42. Resident, widespread and common. Cerura vinula (Linn.) Puss Moth p40. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common, but has declined. Furcula bicuspis (Borkh.) (Harpyia bicuspis) Alder Kitten p132. No recent record. A post-1960 dot for square 60 on map 20 in MBGBI. 9 should be an open circle (pre-1960); in any case it cannot be substantiated. 79