some in the egg or pupal stage. The pupa is protected in an above-ground silken cocoon reinforced with the larva's irritant hairs. Eight of the 11 British species have bred in Essex and seven are present- day residents. Orgyia recens (Hb.) Scarce Vapourer p44. Formerly rare resident; no record since 1935 (see Guide). The post-1960 dot for square 69 on map 42 in MBGBI.9 is incorrect: it should be an open circle (pre-1960) - the species' former Essex stronghold was in this square. Orgyia antiqua (Linn.) p44. Resident, still widespread and common but has declined. Dicallomera fascelina (Linn.) (Dasychira fascelina) p132. No recent record. Calliteara pudibunda (Linn.) (Dasychira pudibunda) p44. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. The Vapourer Dark Tussock Pale Tussock Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linn.) Brown-tail p44. Resident, widespread and locally common or very common; this once principally maritime species periodically extends its range inland and is doing so at present. Euproctis similis (Fuess.) Yellow-tail p45. Resident, widespread and common. Leucoma salicis (Hb.) White Satin p45. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common; also periodic migration, for example large numbers in N.W. Essex mid-July 1983 (GC, AME), apparently on southern edge of large migration. Arctornis l-nigrum ( Mull. ) Black V Moth p45. Temporary colonist, 1947-60; otherwise no recent record. Details of the temporary colonisation (mentioned in the Guide without locality) at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea were published by Dewick (1978). Lymantria monacha (Linn.) Black Arches p45. Resident, local; locally fairly common. The Guide indicated that this fine moth, once fairly widespread in Essex, had gone unrecorded since 1960, but a record of one at 60 Margaretting in 1964 (DC) was subsequently received. Even allowing for the probability that it was present, but undetected, in other localities during the period 1961-74, the records since received suggest that a substantial recovery is in progress:49 Epping Forest, 1979 (IS); 59 Stapleford Tawney, twelve, 1976 (BCJ); near Stapleford Abbots, 1978 (KRT); Coxtie Green, 1983 (PJW); 60 Blackmore, four, 1975 (RT, KRT); Margaretting, 1983 (JTS); 70 Danbury Ridge, two, 1984 (GAP, SW); 82 Markshall Wood, 12+ , 1984 (AME); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1983 (AJD); 92 Layer-de-la-Haye, 1978 onwards, increasing (JY); 11 Hartley Wood, two, 1975 (CNHS); 12 Weeleyhall Wood NR. fairly common (PS); Wix, 1977 (RM); 22 Frinton-on-Sea, three, 1981 (RM); 23 Copperas Wood NR, occasional (PS). 82