Lymantria dispar (Linn.) Gipsy Moth p45. Very rare; status uncertain but probably migrant; introduction of foreign stock (illegal without a special licence) is the only other possibility and seems unlikely. No records since 1971 (see Guide). ARCTIIDAE This family consists of two fairly distinct subfamilies which are described under their respective headings. Lithosiinae The footmen moths are small to medium-sized moths with slender bodies and rather narrow wings. They have a fully developed haustellum. The larvae are hairy and feed exclusively on lichens or algae. Most species overwinter as larvae, a few as pupae. Seventeen species are on the British list, of which 13 have been recorded in Essex - although only eight are present-day residents. Thumatha senex (Hb.) (Comacla senex) Round-winged Muslin p49. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Setina irrorella (Linn.) Dew Moth p132. Only one old Essex record. Ol Stone Point (St Osyth) and Mersea Island, 19th century, "Sentina irrorella is very common at a place called Stone Point about four miles from the village [Colchester], I have also found it at Mercy [sic] Island and believe it to be common along this part of the coast; but Stone Point is its headquarters. I have taken thirty or forty specimens as fast as I could pin them, and my friend, J. Grubb, informs me that about five years back he saw literally hundreds lying dead on the ground or impaled on blades of grass, and Psamma maritima . How they came into the latter situation, I cannot imagine; but there they were, by the dozen. They fly early, from 3 to 6 in the morning, but may be found sitting on blades of grass. The males appear a few days earlier than the females" ("Delta'" [Doubleday, E.] 1833). The VCH dismissed this record as a rumour and the Guide concurred, the Panel at that time being unaware of the original reference. Miltochrista miniata (Forst.) Rosy Footman p49. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Nudaria mundana (Linn.) Muslin Footman p48. Resident, very local and rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 92 Layer-de-la-Haye, 1976 (JY). Atolmis rubricollis (Linn.) Red-necked Footman p48. Formerly very local resident, now very rare ?vagrant. 69 Ingrave, 1 July 1976 (IRMcC). 83