Spiris striata (Linn.) Feathered Footman Only one old record: 'Essex', 1859 (Barrett, 1895). Utetheisa pulchella (Linn.) Crimson Speckled p51. Migrant, very rare; no record since 1961 (see Guide). Parasemia plantaginis (Linn.) Wood Tiger p52. Formerly rare resident; no record since 1948 (see Guide). Correction to Guide:delete reference to occurrence in the Harwich area in 191 l:the record in question was not made in Essex (Mathew, 1912b). Arctia caja (Linn.) Garden Tiger p52. Resident, widespread and common, Arctia villica (Linn.) Cream-spot Tiger p52. Resident, local; locally fairly common; southern and eastern, particularly along coast and estuaries. Diacrisia sannio (Linn.) Clouded Buff p51. Formerly rare resident; present status unknown, but the following records (the only occurrences since 1947 - see Guide) point to the possibility of attempted colonisation of western Essex:40 Harlow, 1978, 1982 (AJF); 52 Takeley, 20 July 1977 (GHBS). Spilosoma lubricipeda (Linn.) White Ermine p51. Resident, widespread and common. Spilosoma luteum (Hufn.) Buff Ermine p51. Resident, widespread and common. Spilosoma urticae (Esp.) Water Ermine p51. Resident, local; locally fairly common; mainly confined to the coast and estuaries. Diaphora mendica (Cl.) (Cycnia mendica) Muslin Moth p51. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linn.) Ruby Tiger p52. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. 85