Noctua fimbriata (Schreb.) (Lampria fimbriata) Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing p61. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Noctua janthina (D. & S.) (Euschesis janthina) Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing p60. Resident, widespread and common. Noctua interjecta (Hb.) (Euschesis interjecta) Least Yellow Underwing p60. Resident, widespread and locally common. Spaelotis ravida (D. & S.) Stout Dart p57. Resident (?partial migrant), currently widespread and locally fairly common; this species is subject to considerable variation in abundance and temporary extension of range. Graphiphora augur (Fabr.) Double Dart p58. Resident, widespread and locally common. Paradiarsia glareosa (Esp.) (Amathes glareosa) Autumnal Rustic p58. Resident, very local; common in one area only (in square 70), otherwise fairly common to very scarce or rare. 57 Purfleet, 1983 (DJLA); 59 Coxtie Green, two or three, 1975 (PJW); 67 Grays, fairly common, (DJLA); 70 Thrift Wood NR, Bicknacre, 1977 (DW); 80 Woodham Mortimer, 1983 (AJD, SFJD); Maldon Wick NR, 1984 (AJD); 93 Great Horkesley, 1983 (BH); 22 The Naze, 1984 (BG); 23 Copperas Wood, 1978 (MEA), the last three presumably vagrants. Lycophotia porphyrea (D. & S.) (L. varia Vill.) True Lover's Knot p57. Resident, local; locally fairly common. In view of the great paucity of heather heathland in Essex, records of this species from as many as 17 squares post-1970 suggests that it also subsists on garden heathers. Peridroma saucia (Hb.) (P. porphyrea sensu Edelsten) Pearly Underwing p57. Resident and migrant; fairly widespread and sometimes fairly common, but often scarce. Diarsia mendica (Fabr.) Ingrailed Clay p58. Resident, widespread and locally common. Diarsia dahlii (Hb.) Barred Chestnut p58. Formerly very local resident; no record since 1939 (see Guide and below). Mentioned by the late P.B.M. Allen in his annotated Stainton's Manual as having occurred at 42 Manuden in the 1930s. Correction to Guide: delete reference to occurrence on Danbury Ridge. The post-1960 dot for square 60 on map 121 in MBGBI,9 cannot be substantiated. 89