Diarsia brunnea (D. & S.) p58. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Diarsia rubi (View.) p58. Resident, widespread and common. Purple Clay Small Square-spot Xestia c-nigrum (Linn.) (Amathes c-nigrum) Setaceous Hebrew Character p59. Resident, widespread and common; approaches abundance in some years. Xestia ditrapezium (D. & S.) (Amathes ditrapezium) Triple-spotted Clay p59. Resident, very local and generally scarce or rare. 67 Grays, 1984 (DJLA); 90 Bradwell-on- Sea, 1973(AJD). 1981 (SFJD). Xestia triangulum (Hufn.) (Amathes triangulum) p59. Resident, widespread and common. Xestia baja (D. & S.) (Amathes baja) p58. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Double Square-spot Dotted Clay Xestia rhomboidea (Esp.) (Amathes stigmatica Hb.) Square-spotted Clay p59. ?Resident, very local and rare. 53 Saffron Walden, 14 Aug. 1983, 15 Aug. 1984 (AME); 54 Chesterford Park, 10 Aug. 1977 (JR). These are the only records since 1965 (see Guide) and may relate to wanderers from the Breck, where it is locally common. Xestia castanea (Esp.) (Amathes castanea) p58. Vagrant, very rare; no record since 1971 (see Guide). Xestia sexstrigata (Haw.) (Amathes sexstrigata) p59. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Xestia xanthographa (D. & S.) (Amathes xanthographa) p59. Resident, widespread and very common, sometimes abundant. Naenia typica (Linn.) p60. Resident, still widespread, but has much declined. Eurois occulta (Linn.) p60. Migrant, irregular and generally very scarce. Neglected Rustic Six-striped Rustic Square-spot Rustic The Gothic Great Brocade 90