Hadena rivularis (Fabr.) p64. Resident, rather local; locally common; mainly western. The Campion Hadena perplexa (D. & S.) (H. lepida Esp.) Tawny Shears p64. Resident, local; locally fairly common; some evidence of decline in the north-west. Hadena compta (D. & S.) p63. Recent colonist; now fairly widespread and locally common. Varied Coronet Hadena confusa (Hufn.) (H. conspersa D. & S.) p63. Vagrant (but reared 1960*), rare. 48 Barking, 1974 (BCJ). Hadena bicruris (Hufn.) p63. Resident, widespread and locally common. Marbled Coronet The Lychnis Cerapteryx graminis (Linn.) Antler Moth p65. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common, but rare in the north-west. Tholera cespitis (D. & S.) p65. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Tholera decimalis Poda (T. popularis Fabr.) p64. Resident, widespread and locally common. Panolis flammea (D. & S.) p66. Resident, still local and generally scarce, but extending its range. Egira conspicillaris (Linn.) (Xylomyges conspicillaris) p133. No recent record. Orthosia cruda (D. & S.) p65. Resident, widespread and locally common. Hedge Rustic Feathered Gothic Pine Beauty Silver Cloud Small Quaker Orthosia miniosa (D. & S.) Blossom Underwing p65. Resident, very local; locally fairly common. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, two 1982 (AJD, SFJD); 92 Layer-de-la-Haye / Berechurch, well represented but less numerous since 1980 (JY). 93