Orthosia opima (Hb.) (O. advena sensu auctt.) Northern Drab p66. Resident, still local but extending its range and locally fairly common. The form found on the Essex coast is larger with a yellowish grey suffusion and indistinct median fascia (Skinner, 1984). Orthosia populeti (Fabr.) p65. Resident, local; locally fairly common, but rare in the north. Orthosia gracilis (D. & S.) p66. Resident, widespread and locally common. Orthosia stabilis (D. & S.) p66. Resident, widespread and very common. Orthosia incerta (Hufn.) p66. Resident, widespread and common or very common. Orthosia munda (D. & S.) p66. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Orthosia gothica (Linn.) p65. Resident, widespread and very common. Lead-coloured Drab Powdered Quaker Common Quaker Clouded Drab Twin-spotted Quaker Hebrew Character Mythimna turca (Linn.) Double Line p68. Formerly rare resident, now rare ?vagrant; only one recent record (59 Stondon Massey, 1965*). The post-1960 dot for square 70 in MBGBI.9 cannot be substantiated. Mythimna conigera (D. & S.) (Leucania conigera) p68. Resident, widespread and common. Mythimna ferrago (Fabr.) (Leucania lythargyria Esp.) p68. Resident, widespread and common. Brown-line Bright-eye The Clay 94