Mythimna albipuncta (D. & S.) (Leucania albipuncta) White Point p68. Migrant, irregular but occasionally in some numbers. 69 Ingrave, 1975 (KWG); 90 Bradwell- on-Sea, four 1976, 1977 (AJD), 1983 (SFJD) 1984 (AJD). Mythimna vitellina (Hb.) (Leucania vitellina) p68. Migrant, rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1975 nine 1975-84 (AJD, SFJD). The Delicate Mythimna pudorina (D. & S.) (Leucania pudorina) Striped Wainscot p67. Resident, very local and scarce. 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, 1976 (GAP). 49 Theydon Bois, four, 1984 (TWG). Mythimna straminea (Treit.) (Leucania straminea) p67. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Mythimna impura (Hb.) (Leucania impura) p67. Resident, widespread and common. Southern Wainscot Smoky Wainscot Mythimna pallens (Linn.) (Leucania pallens) p67. Resident, widespread and very common. Common Wainscot Mythimna favicolor (Harv.) (Leucania favicolor) Mathew's Wainscot p67. Resident, local; locally fairly common but virtually confined to the coast and estuaries. 80 Northey Island, two 1982 the second, on 14 Sept, constituting the first Essex record of a second generation (GAP); 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR. several 1976 (GAP, PJW) and 1983 (GAP); 12 Hamford Water, 1976 (JBF). Mythimna litoralis (Curt.) (Leucania litoralis) p67. Formerly very local resident but no record since 1933 (see Guide ). Shore Wainscot Mythimna l-album (Linn.) (Leucania l-album) L-album Wainscot p68. Migrant, very rare; two records only, both in 1972 at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea*. Mythimna unipuncta (Haw.) (Leucania unipuncta) White-speck p68. Normally rare migrant but a large immigration in 1978 and a much smaller but still marked one in 1979. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, four 1975, 51 in 1978 (AJD, SFJD), 11 in 1979, 1981,1983, four 1984, the last on the late date of24 Dec. (AJD); 12 Hamford Water, 1979(JBF); 23 Dovercourt, 1979 (MEA). Mythimna obsoleta (Hb.) (Leucania obsoleta) p67. Resident, local; locally fairly common in the east and south. Obscure Wainscot 95