Calophasia lunula (Hufn.) p83. Migrant, very rare; reared 1953-54 but no record since 1954*. Brachylomia viminalis (Fabr.) (Bombycia viminalis) p83. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Brachionycha sphinx (Hufn.) p83. Resident, local; locally common. Dasypolia templi (Thunb.) Only one old record. 38 Stratford (Buckell & Prout, 1899). Aporophyla australis (Boisd.) p84. ?Resident, rare. Ol, 11 Colne Point NR, 5 Oct. 1980 (RCH). Aporophyla lutulenta (D. & S.) p83. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Toadflax Brocade Minor Shoulder-knot The Sprawler Brindled Ochre Feathered Brindle Deep Brown Dart Aporophyla nigra (Haw.) (A. lunula Stroem) Black Rustic p84. ?Vagrant or new colonist, very rare. 67 Grays, 25 Sept. 1982 and 29 Sept. 1983; 90 Bradwell- on-Sea, 1984 (AJD). These bring the number of Essex records to four (see Guide). Post-1960 dots for squares 58, 50, 60 and 81 on map 16 in MBGBI,10 cannot be substantiated. Lithomoia solidaginis (Hb.) Golden-rod Brindle p82. Migrant, very rare; has occurred only in 1954: at 88 Westcliff-on-Sea, 89 Hockley and 90 Bradwell-on-Sea*. Lithophane semibrunnea (Haw.) p82. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Lithophane socia (Hufn.) pl34. No recent record. Lithophane ornitopus (Hufn.) p82. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Tawny Pinion Pale Pinion Grey Shoulder-knot Lithophane leautieri (Boisd.) Blair's Shoulder-knot Recent colonist; increasing in numbers and extending its range. 53 Saffron Walden, 1983-84 (AME); 67 Grays, 1982-83 (DJLA); 69 Ingrave, 7 Oct. 1976 (KWG), the first Essex record; 70 97