Eupsilia transversa (Hufn.) p85. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. The Satellite Jodia croceago (D. & S.) Orange Upperwing No recent record. 49 Epping, 59 Brentwood, 70 Danbury and 93 Wormingford (VCH). Specimens taken at Brentwood in 1885-86 are in the Raynor collection at BMNH. Conistra vaccinii (Linn.) p87. Resident, widespread and locally very common. Conistra ligula (Esp.) p87. Resident, widespread and locally common. Agrochola circellaris (Hufn.) p86. Resident, widespread and locally common. Agrochola lota (Cl.) p85. Resident, widespread and locally common. Agrochola macilenta (Hb.) p86. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Agrochola helvola (Linn.) p86. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Agrochola litura (Linn.) p86. Resident, widespread and common. Agrochola lychnidis (D. & S.) p86. Resident, widespread and common. Parastichtis suspecta (Hb.) The Chestnut Dark Chestnut The Brick Red-line Quaker Yellow-line Quaker Flounced Chestnut Brown-spot Pinion Beaded Chestnut The Suspected p85. Resident, local; locally fairly common to common; mainly southern and eastern. Atethmia centrago (Haw.) (A. xerampelina Esp.) p86. Resident, widespread and locally common. Omphaloscelis lunosa (Haw.) p85. Resident, widespread and locally common. Centre-barred Sallow Lunar Underwing 99