Xanthia citrago (Linn.) (Tiliacea citrago) p86. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Xanthia aurago (D. & S.) (Tiliacea aurago) p86. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Xanthia togata (Esp.) (Citria lutea Stroem) p86. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Xanthia icteritia (Hufn.) (Cirrhia icteritia) p87. Resident, widespread and fairly common to common. Xanthia gilvago (D. & S.) (Cirrhia gilvago) p87. Resident, rather local and generally scarce. Orange Sallow Barred Sallow Pink-barred Sallow The Sallow Dusky-lemon Sallow Xanthia ocellaris (Borkh.) (Cirrhia ocellaris) Pale-lemon Sallow p87. Resident, very local and scarce. 41 Harlow, three 1978 (GHBS); 59 Coxtie Green, 1982 (PJW); 67 Grays, 1980-83 (DJLA); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, almost annually since 1975 (AJD, SFJD). There has been no record since 1969 from the Colchester district, stated by the Guide to be its county stronghold. R. megacephala Acronictinae A subfamily of rather pretty moths - the 'daggers' and their relations. The larvae are brightly coloured and most are hairy. Most feed on tree leaves and overwinter as pupae. The genus Cryphia is an exception to these generalisations - it feeds on lichens and overwinters as a larva Eleven of the 12 species of British residents are known in Essex. Moma alpium (Osb.) p80. Formerly very rare resident; no record since 1936 (see Guide). Acronicta megacephala (D. & S.) (Apatele megacephala) p80. Resident, widespread and common. Acronicta aceris (Linn.) (Apatele aceris) p80. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Acronicta leporina (Linn.) (Apatele leporina) Scarce Merveille du Jour Poplar Grey The Sycamore The Miller p80. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. 100