Amphipyra berbera Rungs Svensson's Copper Underwing p79. Resident, probably widespread and locally common. The status in Essex of this recently separated species is still imperfectly known but there are indications that it may be as widespread as, but perhaps less common than, A. pyramidea (above). Amphipyra tragopoginis (Cl.) p79. Resident, widespread and very common. Mouse Moth Mormo maura (Linn.) Old Lady p79. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Although reports have indicated that this large and well-known species has declined, at least in some parts of the County, there are signs that it may now be holding its ground. Dypterygia scabriuscula (Linn.) p72. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Rusina ferruginea (Esp.) (R. tenebrosa Hb.) p79. Resident, widespread and locally common. Thalpophila matura (Hufn.) p76. Resident, widespread and locally common. Bird's Wing Brown Rustic Straw Underwing Trachea atriplicis (Linn.) Orache Moth p134. No recent record (extinct in Britain). A previously unpublished record is 98 Shoeburyness, 11 June 1904 (Whittle Collection). Euplexia lucipara (Linn.) p75. Resident, widespread and locally common. Phlogophora meticulosa (Linn.) p76. Resident, widespread and very common. Small Angle Shades Angle Shades Ipimorpha retusa (Linn.) (Zenobia retusa) Double Kidney p78. Formerly very local and scarce resident; no record since 1936 (see Guide). Ipimorpha subtusa (D. & S.) (Zenobia subtusa) The Olive p78. Resident, formerly local and generally rather scarce; now fairly widespread, locally fairly common, and still extending its range. 102