Enargia paleacea (Esp.) Angle-striped Sallow p78. Migrant, very rare; no record since 1972 (see Guide). Enargia ypsillon (D. & S.) (Apamea ypsilon) Dingy Shears p74. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Dicycla oo (Linn.) Heart Moth p77. Resident, very local and scarce; recorded since 1969 only from 50 Ongar and Stondon Massey (see Guide). Cosmia affinis (Linn.) p78. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Lesser-spotted Pinion Cosmia diffinis (Linn.) White-spotted Pinion p78. Resident, apparently now very local and generally scarce. Records of this once widespread species were not listed in the Guide as there were then comparatively recent records from 14 localities as well as from parts of S.E. Essex. As the map shows post-1969 dots in only eight squares it appears to be in decline; the demise of the elm (its foodplant) may well be a factor. Cosmia trapezina (Linn.) p78. Resident, widespread and common. Cosmia pyralina (D. & S.) p78. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. Apamea monoglypha (Hufn.) p72. Resident, widespread and very common. Apamea lithoxylaea (D. & S.) p72. Resident, widespread and common. The Dun-bar Lunar-spotted Pinion Dark Arches Light Arches Apamea sublustris (Esp.) Reddish Light Arches Vagrant; two records only, one old and one recent. 80 Woodham Mortimer (Raynor, 1884); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 21 July 1977 (AJD). Apamea oblonga (Haw.) Crescent Striped p73. Resident, local; locally common; restricted to the coast and estuaries and their neighbourhood. Correction to the Guide: recorded at Cranham and Hornchurch, not Cranham near Hornchurch. ithoxtjlaea 103