Photedes pygmina (Haw.) (Arenostola pygmina) Small Wainscot p69. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Eremobia ochroleuca (D. & S.) Dusky Sallow p74. Resident, widespread and locally common; has probably increased'. Luperina testacea (D. & S.) Flounced Rustic p75. Resident, widespread; locally common or very common. Luperina nickerlii (Freyer) Sandhill Rustic Resident; locally very common. Essex specimens are closer to the nominate subspecies L. n. nickerlii Freyer than to any of the other three subspecies already known in Britain. Following the correct identification in 1982 of two specimens taken at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea on 22 Aug. 1963 and 25 Aug. 1964 (AJD), a search was made for its headquarters, and it was found to be abundant on the drier parts of salt-marshes from Canvey Island to Harwich. It does not fly until late at night, when it may be found with the help of a hand-lamp at rest on grasses; it is seldom attracted to MV light. Amphipoea fucosa (Freyer) (Hydraecia paludis Tutt) Saltern Ear p77. Resident, local; locally fairly common on the coast and estuaries and their vicinity; there is only one inland record, at 50 Ongar, 1966*. Amphipoea oculea (Linn.) (Hydraecia oculea) p77. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Hydraecia micacea (Esp.) (Gortyna micacea) p77. Resident, widespread and common. Hydraecia petasitis (Doubl.) (Gortyna petasitis) p77. ?Vagrant, very rare. 54 Chesterford Park, 1975 (JR). Gortyna flavago (D. & S.) p77. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Ear Moth Rosy Rustic The Butterbur Frosted Orange Gortyna borelii Pierr. Fisher's Estuarine Moth p77. Resident, very local; confined to the extreme north-east (discovered in 1968*) where it is fairly common in its only British locality. Celaena haworthii (Curt.) p76. Vagrant, very rare; one record only, at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1951*. Haworth's Minor 106