Celaena leucostigma (Hb.) The Crescent p76. Resident, local; locally fairly common, mainly in the east and south; the well-marked ab. fibrosa Hb. predominates in some areas. Nonagria typhae (Thunb.) p70. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Archanara geminipuncta (Haw.) (Nonagria geminipunctata [sic]) p70. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Archanara dissoluta (Treit.) (Nonagria dissoluta) p70. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Bulrush Wainscot Twin-spot Wainscot Brown-veined Wainscot Archanara sparganii (Esp.) (Nonagria sparganii) Webb's Wainscot p69. Resident, local; locally fairly common but largely confined to the coast and estuaries and their vicinity. Rhizedra lutosa (Hb.) p68. Resident, fairly widespread and locally fairly common. Arenostola phragmitidis (Hb.) p69. Resident, local; locally fairly common. Large Wainscot Fen Wainscot Coenobia rufa (Haw.) Small Rufous p70. Resident, local; locally fairly common. 48 Wanstead Park, 1983 (CWP); 49 Theydon Bois 1983 (TWG); 58 Rainham, two 1979 (GSR); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, almost annually 1975-83 (AJD, SFJD); 92 Berechurch, two 1983 (JY); 02 High Woods, 1976(JY); 12 Hamford Water, 1975 (JBF), 1976 (de Worms, 1977). Charanyca trigrammica (Hufn.) (Meristis trigrammica ) p71. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Hoplodrina alsines (Brahm) (Caradrina alsines) p71. Resident, widespread and locally common. Hoplodrina blanda (D. & S.) (Caradrina blanda) .p71. Resident, widespread and common. Treble Lines The Uncertain The Rustic 107