Hoplodrina ambigua (D. & S.) (Caradrina ambigua) Vine's Rustic p71. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. The Guide described this comparatively recent colonist as local and gave all the then known localities. It has since spread to a number of other districts, a process doubtless aided by its abundance in the long hot summer of 1976. Spodoptera exigua (Hb.) (Laphygma exigua) Small Mottled Willow p72. Migrant, irregular; sometimes numerous. 49 Theydon Bois. 1983 (TWG); 44Elmdon, 1983 (AME); 67 Grays, two 1982 (DJLA); 72 Braintree, 1984 (KJA); 74 Birdbrook, two 1983 (AME); 81 Tiptree Heath. 1976 (CNHS); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1980 (AJD), 20 in 1982, three 1983 (AJD. SFJD). Caradrina morpheus (Hufn.) p71. Resident, widespread and common. Caradrina clavipalpis (Scop.) p71. Resident, widespread and locally common. Mottled Rustic Pale Mottled Willow Chilodes maritimus (Tausch.) Silky Wainscot p71. Resident, very local; locally fairly common. 58 Rainham, quite common in 1977 but less numerous since (GSR); 67 Grays, 1982-83 (DJLA); 68 Stanford Warren NR, fairly common, including ab. wismariensis Schmidt, 1983 (DJLA); 11 Colne Point NR, 1976 (RCH); 22 Hamford Water, now known to be fairly common but very local (MEA, PS): see Guide. The post-1960 dot for square 81 on map 156 in MBGBI,10 cannot be substantiated. Elaphria venustula (Hb.) (Hapalotis venustula) Rosy Marbled p76. Resident, very local; locally common; also vagrant away from breeding grounds. 49 Epping Forest, 1983 (JMC-H, BS), the first record from this traditional locality for nearly 100 years (see Guide); Loughton, 1984 (KJA); 69 Ingrave, 1978 (APMcC. IRMcC); 60 Writtle, 1975 (Writtle AC, RES). Panemeria tenebrata (Scop.) Small Yellow Underwing p79. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common, occasionally common. Heliothinae A small group of day-flying species which are strongly migratory and whose larvae normally feed on the flowers or developing fruit of their foodplants. Of the nine species on the British list, four have been recorded from Essex, three being migrants. 108