Pyrrhia umbra (Hufn.) p61. Resident, local and scarce. Bordered Sallow Heliothis armigera (Hb.) Scarce Bordered Straw p61. Migrant, rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1975. two 1982 (AJD), two 1983 (AJD, SFJD). Heliothis viriplaca (Hufn.) Marbled Clover p61. Vagrant, very rare; two records only, 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1951-52*. Heliothis peltigera (D. & S.) Bordered Straw p61. Migrant, rare. 70 Danbury Ridge, 1984 (SW); 71 Little Leighs, 1984 (AME); 12 Hamford Water, 1982 (JBF); 23 Dovercourt, 1963, three 1967, 1968, 1970, two in 1982 (MEA). Acontiinae Small moths tending to have broader wings and more slender bodies than most other noctuids. All three of the currently resident British species have bred in Essex, but only one is established; another species, now extinct in Britain, also used to occur. None of the several migrant species has been recorded from the county. Some species are day-flying. The resident species overwinter in the pupal stage. Lithacodia pygarga (Hufn.) (L. fasciana sensu auctt.) p88. Resident, local; mainly southern and eastern. Marbled White-spot Eustrotia uncula (Cl.) Silver Hook p88. Formerly very local resident; very rare vagrant; no record since 1958 (see Guide). Deltote bankiana (Fabr.) (Eustrotia bankiana) Silver Barred p88. ?Migrant, very rare; only two earlier records, both in 1970, at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea* and on 70 Danbury Ridge (DGD). The latter record was also given in the Guide but without the locality and recorder's initials; the month was June and not July as there stated. 70 Danbury Ridge, 14 June 1980 (AF); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 27 June 1976 (SFJD), 10 and 14 July 1976 (AJD); 12 Hamford Water, 14 June 1980 (JBF). Emmelia trabealis (Scop.) pl34. No recent record. Spotted Sulphur Chloephorinae The three British species are all resident in Essex. They are distinctive green moths whose larvae are oligophagous on trees and spin boat-shaped cocoons. 109