Syngrapha circumflexa (Linn.) The Essex Y Migrant, one old record only. An example of this southern species was taken "in Essex" prior to 1802 by D. Drury (Haworth,1809). Haworth also mentioned having seen specimens in two other collections. In view of the source there seems no reason to doubt the record, and it is interesting to note that, nearly 200 years later, one was taken in Hampshire in 1979 (Torlesse, 1980). Abrostola trigemina (Werneb.) (Unca triplasia sensu auctt.) Dark Spectacle p92. Resident, currently very local and scarce. Considerable confusion has been caused by the change in the binomial nomenclature of this and the next species and also by the tendency to melanism now exhibited by A. triplasia , as a result of which the Guide accepted recent records from only two localities. The only two subsequent records regarded as fully authenticated are given below. Accordingly, the species' earlier distribution (particularly during 1960-69) as indicated by the map should be regarded as provisional only. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, still almost annual in very small numbers (AJD); 92 Shrub End Pits, 1972 (JY). Abrostola triplasia (Linn.) (Unca tripartita Hufn.) The Spectacle p92. Resident, widespread and locally common. Catocalinae There are five resident British species and several migrants. The adults have broad forewings and, in the genus Catocala. bright red or blue hind-wings. The adults of this genus fly by night but the other two residents are day-fliers. In the larvae of most species the anterior pair of prolegs is non-functional; the larger species feed on trees and the smaller ones on herbaceous plants. Catocala fraxini (Linn.) Clifden Nonpareil p89. Migrant, very rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, worn female 22 Sept. 1976 (SFJD). Catocala nupta (Linn.) Red Underwing p89. Resident, widespread and locally common. Catocala electa (View.) Rosy Underwing Vagrant, one old record only. 03 Dedham, 1892 (South, 1961). Catocala promissa (D. & S.) Light Crimson Underwing pl 34. No recent record. Catocala sponsa (Linn.) Dark Crimson Underwing p89. Vagrant, very rare; only two records, the second in 1951 at 90 Bradwell-on-Sea*. 112