Minucia lunaris (D. & S.) Lunar Double-stripe p89. Migrant, very rare; reared 1951*; no record since 1959 (see Guide). Dysgonia algira (Linn.) (Parallelia algira) p89. Migrant, very rare; one record only: 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1969*. Callistege mi (Cl.) (Euclidia mi) p89. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common; predominantly eastern Euclidia glyphica (Linn.) (Ectypa glyphica) p90. Resident, local; still locally fairly common but has declined. The Passenger Mother Shipton Burnet Companion Ophiderinae A somewhat ill-defined subfamily. Most of the adults have rather broad wings and some fly by day. The familiar herald overwinters as an adult Of the eight species recorded from Essex, seven are resident but one of these may now be extinct in the county. Catephia alchymista (D. & S.) pl34. No recent record. The Alchymist Tyta luctuosa (D. & S.) (Acontia luctuosa) The Four-spotted p92. Resident, very local and usually scarce. 43 Littlebury, 1977 (AME); 54 Great Chesterford, fairly common 1977 (AME). Lygephila pastinum (Treit.) p92. Resident, rather local; locally fairly common. Scoliopteryx libatrix (Linn.) p93. Resident, widespread and locally common. Phytometra viridaria (Cl.) p93. Formerly rare and very local resident; no record post-Guide. Laspeyria flexula (D. & S.) p95. Resident, widespread and locally fairly common. Rivula sericealis (Scop.) p93. Resident, fairly widespread and locally common. The Blackneck The Herald Small Purple-barred Beautiful Hook-tip Straw Dot 113