Parascotia fuliginaria (Linn.) Waved Black p93. Resident, very local and scarce but appearing with increasing frequency. 48 Barking 1974 and 1976 (BCJ): 59 Coxtie Green, 1972, 1975 and 1984 (PJW); 52 Takeley, 1984 (GHBS); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1976, two 1979, 1980, two 1981, four 1982 and four 1983 (AJD, SFJD). Hypeninae Thin-bodied, broad-winged moths, most unlike typical noctuids. The scientific name of many species ends in 'alis', indicating that the nomenclator had regarded them as pyrales. They include the' snouts' - so named because of their projecting labial palps, and the 'fanfoots', in which the legs bear brush-like expansible tufts of scent-scales. Most of the larvae lack one or two pairs of prolegs; those of some species feed on dead or dying leaves. Ten of the 13 British residents have been found in Essex. Hypena proboscidalis (Linn.) The Snout p93. Resident, widespread and very common. Hypena rostralis (Linn.) Buttoned Snout p93. Resident, very local and generally scarce. 48 St Mary's NR, East Ham, larvae numerous in 1982 (CWP); 58 between Romford and Upminster, 1977 (KRT); 67 East Tilbury, 10 in 1980, 8 in 1981, 14 in 1982, all overwintering (DGD, CH); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 1983 (AJD); 93 Great Horkesley, 1977 (BH). Schrankia taenialis (Hb.) White-line Snout p94. Resident, apparently very local and rare. 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 11 Oct. 1979 (AJD). Schrankia costaestrigalis (Steph.) Pinion-streaked Snout p94. Resident, apparently very local and scarce. 70 Danbury Ridge, 1976 (GAP); 90 Bradwell-on- Sea, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1979 (AJD), 1981-83 (AJD, SFJD); 92 Layer-de-la-Haye, 1983 (JY). We have no knowledge of the record represented by a post-1960 dot for square 22 on map 218 in MBGBL10. Pechipogo strigilata (Linn.) (Herminia barbalis Cl.) Common Fan-foot p95. Formerly widespread resident; no record since 1971 (see Guide). It is questionable whether P. strigilata still survives in Essex: it has recently been suggested that the species' range has contracted to south-central England and SE Kent (Elliott, 1983). The record represented by a post- 1960 dot for square 69 on map 220 in MBGBI. 10 has been withdrawn. We have no knowledge of the records represented by post-1960 dots on the same map for squares 93, 12 and 22. 114