Herminia tarsipennalis (Treit.) (Zanclognatha tarsipennalis) The Fan-foot p94. Resident, widespread and locally common. Herminia nemoralis (Fabr.) (Zanclognatha nemoralis) p94. Resident, widespread and locally common. Macrochilo cribrumalis (Hb.) (Zanclognatha cribrumalis) p94. Resident, local; locally common; southern and eastern. Small Fan-foot Dotted Fan-foot Paracolax derivalis (Hb.) Clay Fan-foot p95. Resident, very local and rare; no records 1959-74 (see Guide). 13 Stour Wood NR, six 1975, 1976 (MEA); 23 Copperas Wood NR, 1976 (MEA, PS). Not found subsequently in either locality. Trisateles emortualis (D. & S.) Olive Crescent p94. Resident, very local and rare; also rare migrant. Now known to be established at low density in woodland in north Essex (cf. Guide); locality and recorders' names still withheld. APPENDIX (a). Species, records of which appear in the literature, not admitted to the Systematic List Butterflies Parnassius apollo (Linn.) The Apollo p131. A specimen of this alpine species taken at Epping in 1847 or 1848 must have been released*. Colias australis Ver. Berger's Clouded Yellow p25. Bred specimens exhibited by Blaxhill (1950) and reported as having originated from Tillingbourne Tillingham], Essex, were in fact from Kent ova obtained by AJD. Eagles (1948) also misrecorded the origin of the specimens. Strymonidia pruni (Linn.) Black Hairstreak A statement that a colony formerly occurred in Essex (Heath et al., 1984: 56) is erroneous. The colony in question was in Suffolk. Lycaena dispar (Haw.) Large Copper Indigenous race extinct. An undated record without locality (Humphreys, [1859]) cannot be substantiated. Lycaena hippothoe (Linn.) Purple-edged Copper A record from Woodside, near Epping, of three males and two females c. 1815 (Dale, 1830) cannot be fully substantiated. Barrett (1892) states: "Described as British by Haworth and other writers, and even included by Mr Stainton in his Manual, the localities given being near Epping and 115