in Ashdown Forest, Sussex.. From the Epping locality specimens were said to have been obtained for several years by Dr Leech and afterwards others were sent to Mr Doubleday purporting to have been from the same district, but he was subsequently convinced that these were not genuine. Mr E. A. satisfied that the specimens were not obtained in that district, and it is doubtful whether any reliably British specimen exists. Its range in Europe is such as would render its occurrence here probable, and it may possibly be one of those which have entirely died out in this country". Boloria dia (Linn.) Weaver's Fritillary p131. A claimed record of this species from Epping (Rendall, 1883) was published with editorial reservations and cannot be substantiated. Moths Idaea dilutaria (Hb.) Silky Wave pl34. The records cited in the Guide from Southend-on-Sea in 1892 and 1894 (Whittle, 1894; 1899a), have been shown to refer to I. fuscovenosa (Goeze) which was known as dilutaria at that time. What is now dilutaria was then known as holosericaria [ holosericata Dup.]. The same applies to a record from Woodford in 1885 (Bishop, 1886). The species is, therefore, withdrawn from the Essex list. Xanthorhoe munitata (Hb.) Red Carpet The reference to this northern and montane species occurring at Epping in or prior to 1828 (Stephens, 1831) must be in error: probably X. spadicearia (D. & S.) was involved. Epirrhoe tristata (Linn.) Small Argent and Sable An old record from Maldon (Raynor, 1884) is regarded as a case of misidentification: probably the species involved was E. alternata Mull Epirrita autumnata (Borkh.) Autumnal Moth In our view there is no satisfactory evidence that this species has occurred in Essex: it seems that confusion has mainly arisen with the uncommon striated form of E. dilutaria (D. & S). Only one claim has actually been published (Clark & Hobday, 1963). Eupithecia egenaria H.-S. Pauper Pug pl35. The Guide rejected a record in the VCH of its capture at Loughton. It may, however, well occur undetected in Essex as it is found in East Anglia. Eupithecia innotata (Hufn.) Angle-barred Pug p119. There have been several claimed Essex occurrences* but it is doubtful whether it is specifically distinct from E. fraxinata Crewe; if E. innotata is distinct, there is no evidence for its occurrence in Britain ([Agassiz et al. ], 1981). Hydrelia sylvata (D. & S.) Waved Carpet A 19th century record from Epping Forest (Meldola, 1891) is doubtfully admissible. Lycia zonaria (D. & S.) Belted Beauty A claim of larvae near Chingford (Bryant, 1879) must be erroneous. Agrotis cinerea (D. & S.) Light Feathered Rustic Post-1960 dots for squares 62 and 22 on map 91 in MBGBI,9 cannot be substantiated. Agrotis trux (Hb.) Crescent Dart A doubtful record of one at Colchester in 1963 (Clark & Hobday, 1963) cannot be substantiated. 116