Agrotis crassa (Hb.) Great Dart pl33. The Guide rejected a record from Epping (Doubleday, H., 1841). Feltia subterranea (Fabr.) Tawny Shoulder An old record of one at West Ham in 1817 (Stephens, 1829) was regarded by Tutt (1891) as a misidentification of a variety of Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn.). Xestia agathina (Dup.) Heath Rustic The post-1960 dot for square 69 on map 35 in MBGBI.9 cannot be substantiated. Hadena albimacula (Borkh.) White Spot A record from Witham in 1962 (Clark & Hobday. 1963) is unsubstantiated. Cucullia lactucae (D. & S.) Lettuce Shark Claimed from Epping in the 19th century (Doubleday, E., 1836; Doubleday, H., 1842). MBGBI.10 regards all British records of this species as very doubtful. Cucullia gnaphalii (Hb.) The Cudweed pl34. A claimed record without locality or date (Barrett, 1895) cannot be substantiated. Scotochrosta pulla (D. & S.) Ash Shoulder-knot The claimed occurrence of one at Woodside, near Epping, in 1817 (Stephens, 1829) cannot be substantiated. Jodia erythrocephala (D. & S.) Red-headed Chestnut See under next species. Cryphia muralis (Forst.) Marbled Green This and the last species were both noted by the late P. B. M. Allan in his annotated copy of Stainton's Manual as having occurred at Manuden in the 1930s. We feel that neither species can be admitted to the Essex list unless the specimens are traced and confirmed. C. muralis occurs at Cambridge. Apamea furva (D. & S.) The Confused pl34. Claimed occurrences at Epping (Doubleday, H., 1841; 1842b) cannot be substantiated. Archanara neurica (Hb.) White-mantled Wainscot Records attributed to this species (Whittle, 1897; 1899a) are referable to ab. arundinacea Schmidt of A. dissoluta (Treit.) (Bell, 1907a). Hoplodrina superstes (Ochs.) Powdered Rustic pl34. This species was listed in the Guide (as a "doubtful") in error: it is not mentioned in the reference there cited (Raynor, 1891) This error was repeated in Skinner (1984). Hypena crassalis (Fabr.) (Bomolocha [fronds Thunb.] fontis missp.). Beautiful Snout pl34. The Guide cites a record from Feering Bury, Kelvedon in May / June, 1916. There is no suggestion, however, in the reference quoted (Reid, 1916) that the larvae, of whose early emergence mention is made, had been taken in Essex: this would be highly unlikely as the foodplant ( Vaccinium myrtillus ) did not occur in the Kelvedon district where Reid lived and, indeed, by 1916 was probably extinct in Essex (Jermyn, 1974). Consequently the species is withdrawn from the Essex list. 117