Stigmella samiatella (Zell.) p32. First record in VC18 since 1899; becoming more common in VC19. VC18. 89 Hockley, reared 17 Apr, 1981. VC19. 11 St Osyth, reared 1983; 12 Tendring, larval mines common, 1981 (AME). Opostega crepusculella Zell. p35. First record in VC 18 since 1899; new to VC19. VC18. 67 Grays, 31 May 1982; 68 Mucking, two 12 July 1983 (DJLA). VC19. 64 Great Bendysh Wood, 8 July 1983 (AME). Incurvaria pectinea (Haw.) p37. First record in VC19 since 1934. VC19. 83 Little Maplestead, larvae 1982 (AME). Lampronia rubiella (Bjerk.) p37. Third recent record. VC19. 30 Galleyhill Wood (CWP). Lampronia fuscatella (Tengst) Map. New to Essex. Resident, 1982-83. Betula, in galls in twigs. Local and rare. VC18.49 Epping Forest, old larval galls (AME); 59 *Havering Park, two at light, May 1982 (NN); Bedfords Park, old galls and one containing a parasite, May 1983 (Emmet, 1983a). Nematopogon metaxella (Hb.) p37. Third recent record. VC19. 84 Liston (AME). Nemapogon variatella (Clemens) (personella (Pier. & Mete.)) Map. New to Essex. ?Resident, 1934. Fungi, dead wood. Recorded once only. VC18. 40 Epping, the type locality of personella (Pierce, 1934). Nemapogon ruricolella (Stt.) Map. New to Essex. Resident, 1984. Fungus in dead wood; very local. VC18. 58 Warwick Wood, Rainham, a series reared from dead cherry sticks 28 June-11 July 1984 (Robinson & Robinson, 1985). Nemaxera betulinella (Fabr.) p42. Third recent record. VC19. 62 Stebbing, 1983 (AME). Monopis weaverella (Scott) p42. Second recent record. VC19. 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, one 4 June 1975 (ECP-C). Monopis imella (Hb.) Map. New to Essex. ?Resident, 1968. Stored products, dead wood, refuse; recorded once only. VC18. 68 Mucking, one 26 Sept 1968 by RT, hitherto unidentified (Agassiz, 1984). Tinea columbariella Wocke Map. New to Essex. Resident, 1950-1983. Birds' nests in enclosed situations; locally fairly common. VC18. 58 Rainham (Robinson, 1982); 67 Grays, 1981-83 (DJLA). VC19. 81 *Witham; Wickham Bishops, as host to parasitic hymenoptera (Woodroffe & Southgate, 1951). 119