Eulamprotes wilkella (Linn.) p83. First record since 1899. VC18. 00 Bradwell-on-Sea, fairly common, 1981-82 (AME). Monochroa tetragonella (Stt) Map. New to Essex. Resident, 1938. Glaux maritima. Very local. VC18. 99 Creeksea, a series in the L.T.Ford collection at BMNH; Paglesham, plentiful (MS note by Ford, per JMC-H). Monochroa hornigi (Staud.) Map. New to Essex. ?Resident, 1984. Polygonum. Single record. VC18. 67 Grays, one at MV light 14 July 1984 (DJLA). Monochroa lutulentella (Zell.) p84. Second recent record. VC19. 51 Matching (AJF). Monochroa sp. Map. New to Essex, Britain and possibly science. The larvae, which mine the leaves of Scirpus maritimus, have been known for several years from localities along the Thames estuary. An adult was reared in 1984 by RWJU and found to be conspecific with a previously unidentified adult taken in 1980 at Mucking by ESB. Aristotelia ericinella (Zell.) p84. Third recent record. VC18. 38 Gilbert's Slade, 1984 (CWP). Teleiodes decolorella (Haw.) p86. New to VC19. VC19. 93 Great Horkesley, one 17 July 1977 (BH). Teleiodes notatella (Hb.) p86. New to VC19. VC19, 64 Steeple Bumpstead, one 24 July 1983 (AME). Teleiodes paripunctella (Thunb.) p86. Two previous recent records.VC18. 57 South Stifford, 18 June 1984 (DJLA). VC19. 70 Pheasanthouse Wood NR, one 20 May 1982 (AME). Bryotropha basaltinella (Zell.) p87. First record since 1872. VC18. 67 Grays Chalk Quarry, fairly common 1984 (DJLA). Bryotropha similis (Stt) p87. First correct record from Essex. ?Resident, 1984. Moss. Very local. VC 19.21 Great Holland Pits NR, one 27 June 1982 (AME). The single record given in SME was based on misidentification; see Chionodes fumatella (Dougl.) below. Chionodes fumatella (Dougl.) p87. New to VC19. VC18. 58 Aveley, one 1984; 67 Grays, one 14 July 1981, four 1984 (DJLA). VC19. 53 Saffron Walden, one 19 Aug. 1984(AME); 81 Wickham Bishops, 1984 (RES); 82 Markshall Wood, one 18 Aug. 1984; 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, four 14 Aug. 1972 (AME), previously misidentified as Bryotropha similis (Stt) above. 123